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Region grand est  Metropole grand Nancy  Villers-les nancy  Université de Lorraine  CRM2  FST  AFC  CCDC

Registration > Registration information

Maximum number of attendees and main dates

The total number of places available for this training is 50.

  • The opening date for registration is December 1st 2023.
  • The closing date for registration (including fees payment) is April 1st 2024.
  • The closing date for late registration (including fees payment) is May 1st 2024.

Please, note that registrations can be closed before theses dates if the maximum capacity of available places is reached and no more places are available.

Registration fees

Registration fees cover participation in courses and materials used, overnight stays (unless your registration is made “without accommodation”), lunches and coffee breaks during the school, as well as the gala dinner and excursion. Please, note that breakfasts and the rest of dinners are not included.

All registration fees hereafter are displayed including VAT:


  • With accommodation (single room/6 nights) €350     (late registration €450)
  • Without accommodation                                €250     (late registration €350)

Other people

  • With accommodation (single room/6 nights) €450     (late registration €550)
  • Without accommodation                                €350     (late registration €450)

Accommodation is proposed in student’s rooms that belong to the Université de Lorraine and are within walking distance (approx. 5 min) to the Faculty of Science, where ECS9 takes place.

Registration procedure

Registrations are managed exclusively online. There is no pre-registration. Registration will only take effect once payment has been made.

Registration is done in two steps:
    i) First, you have to create a login
   ii) Then, you need to login and proceed with your registration and payment of fees.

Please, note that payment can only be done online, either by credit card or bank transfer.

You will receive an email with acknowledgement of your effective registration to ECS9 after payment.

Reimbursement will no more be possible one month before the starting of the school.

Bursaries procedure

Scholarship students, PhDs and young post-docs (up to 3 years after thesis defense) can apply for a travel grant. Some conditions are nevertheless required (see Bursaries page). The number of grants and their amount will depend on the number of applications and the funding obtained by the school in this regard.

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